GPSTab App Update: What you need to know
An in-depth breakdown of the latest GPSTab app update

GPSTab has made some changes to its e-log functionality in its most recent update to the application and admin portal.
The FMCSA has been working closely with providers, in an effort to make ELDs more compliant and safe for businesses. This prompted the latest update, which was released this week.
First, we’d like to point out the difference between e-log and ELD functionalities. As per the ELD mandate, the rule applies to most motor carriers and drivers who are required to maintain records of duty status (RODS), unless they qualify for an exemption.
Some examples of exemptions include local/short-haul drivers and trucks with engines older than the year 2000. However, in the case of an exemption, drivers still have to track their hours of service, which is why the e-log function is available.
Before the update, administrators could change any driver in or out of e-log mode at any point. In order to minimize the risk of violations for our customers on the road, however, administrators will now have to wait for a driver to complete a minimum break requirement before being able to switch from ELD to e-log.
The change can be made after a driver either completes a full 10-hour break or between splits whether it’s 7/3 or 8/2.
When switching from ELD to e-log, users will receive the following message:
“I acknowledge that this driver is presently exempt from the ELD mandate and is legally able to operate under Elogs.
I acknowledge that in order to move from Elog back to ELD a full 10-hour break or a qualifying split break will be required.
I acknowledge that by switching to Elog mode, I will be unable to send an ELD output file to FMCSA or the DOT which may result in, but not limited to, Violations, Fines, Penalties, and may risk being put Out Of Service for improper use of Elogs.
Utech Inc (DBA GPSTab), as your service provider, is not responsible for any financial or legal repercussions resulting from facilitating your request. It is the sole responsibility of the user to maintain legal compliance while using both ELD and Elog modes.”
When switching from e-log to ELD, the following message will be prompted:
“I acknowledge that this driver is legally required to operate under ELD.
I acknowledge that in order to move from ELD back to Elog a full 10-hour break or a qualifying split break will be required.
Utech Inc (DBA GPSTab), as your service provider, is not responsible for any financial or legal repercussions resulting from facilitating your request. It is the sole responsibility of the user to maintain legal compliance while using both ELD and Elog modes.”
Lastly, if a driver has not yet taken a qualifying break, users will receive the following message:
“Currently not allowed.
A full 10-hour break or a qualifying split break is required to switch to a different mode.”
Additionally, if users have switched between e-log and ELD on any given week, this will be available to see in the 8-day report we provide to the FMCSA during a data transfer.
For more information on who can use e-log functions on GPSTab, please reference our previous blog post on the topic here:
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at (888) 228-4460 or email us at